Meet Maryssa.

Maryssa Almasy | Production Manager

Maryssa is a recent graduate from North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Graphic Design. She loves to mix her logic and detail-orientation with the creativity of each design project that comes her way. Her main goal is for her work to always be client- and customer-focused, whether it’s a new brand identity, an event presentation, or a website design.

You can always find Maryssa painting, reading, spending time with friends and family, or meeting with her trivia team. She is the happy owner of 20+ plant babies, and outside of design work she is a women’s lacrosse coach, official, and player.

Maryssa recently finished traveling across Europe. After living in Prague for four months, she visited beautiful cities like Barcelona, London, Amsterdam, Rome, Athens, and Paris, and loved getting to try the different cuisines in each place. An avid traveler, she can’t wait for her next adventure!


Fun facts about Maryssa.

What she
runs on

Maryssa_runs on
Black tea, bagels and cream cheese.

Maryssa_guilty pleasure
Sleeping and Animal Crossing.
Most memorable

Maryssa_memorable read
“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman.

Maryssa_favorite smell
Christmas trees and fresh baked cookies.
Favorite fictional

Maryssa_favorite character
Rapunzel from “Tangled.”


Meet Anayeli.

Meet Jon.

Meet Tiana.

Meet Stephanie.

Meet Annie.

Meet Andrew.

Meet Crystal.

Meet Alex.